Licensing Adds Value To Your IP
Licensing IP is an important aspect for many businesses. Whether you are licensing proprietary technology to do business or you allow others to license your work, these are technical and important intellectual property issues. You need skilled legal attention to ensure everything is done properly.
At Parker Justiss our goal is to provide attentive boutique services to clients with licensing needs. Our lawyers are all familiar with the intricate legal and scientific needs of our clients from Houston and across the world. We help both sides in licensing matters and can assist you in the pursuit of your goals.
Services For IP Owners
For IP owners, we offer insight into the extremely complex world of licensing arrangements. There are many aspects of these agreements that you must consider, such as:
- What usage do you wish to allow?
- How long will you allow licensees?
- What terms make sense for your property?
We can assist in negotiating and crafting the necessary documents that will allow you to – safely and profitably – license your work to users.
Our lawyers will work with you to find the answers to the questions that you have and then help you finalize your agreements.
Services For Licensees
For most licenses that the consumer sees, they do not have many options but to accept the offered terms of service. For commercial licensing of patented or copyrighted work, you may have more leeway. You can secure more favorable terms with the right representation.
Our insight into the creation of licensing agreements allows us to pursue terms that work for our clients wishing to license work. Our goal is to help you get the tools you need to do business and achieve your desired outcomes.
Our Dedication Matters
When we take on a client, we offer them the full benefits of our boutique service. We are small, agile and able to respond to questions and problems quickly and with skill. We closely monitor the legal matters our clients bring to us so we can solve problems often before they start.
Contact our office to schedule a meeting and learn about how our attorneys can help you. Our phone number is 972-941-3670, but you can also reach us by email.